World’s population is close to 8 billion on November 15

World's population is close to 8 billion on November 15

World’s population is close to 8 billion on November 15

Some time ago, in a report released by the United Nations, it was estimated that November 15 will be the day when the world’s population will reach 8 billion.

The human population reached one billion in the early 1800s and reached 2 billion in 1928.

In 1975, the human population reached 4 billion and now it is about to touch the edge of 8 billion.

The United Nations has attributed the increase in human population to a gradual increase in human lifespan as health, nutrition, personal hygiene, and medicine systems have improved.

Similarly, some countries have continued to have high birth rates.

According to the report of the World Organization, after 7 billion, it took 12 years for the population to reach 8 billion, while it will take 15 years to reach the milestone of 9 billion, that is, by 2037, the population of the world will be 9 billion.

The United Nations has declared November 15 as the 8 billion day on its website.

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