Twitter is working on verified phone number label on profile

Twitter is working on verified phone number label on profile

According to the details, some new features are being worked on by Twitter.

Twitter is working on verified phone number label on profile

Verified phone number feature on Twitter

One of the new features is Verified Phone Number, which will add a Verified Phone Number label to the profile.

Currently, phone number verification is required for a blue tick on a Twitter account, so it is not clear how a user will be able to verify his phone.

Tweet view count feature on Twitter

Another feature will let users know how many people have read their tweets.

It has been named Tweet View Count, in which an eye icon will be created under each tweet, which can be clicked to know how many people have read that tweet.

Both these features are currently being tested but it is not clear when they will be available to users.

It is also not clear whether it will be available to general users or limited to the company’s subscribers.

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