The new feature of Google Maps won the hearts of the users

The new feature of Google Maps won the hearts of the users

The new feature of Google Maps won the hearts of the users

A new feature called location sharing feature has been introduced in Google Maps which will let you know where your loved ones are at the moment.

This feature will work only when the location has been shared with you by friends or relatives.

This location-sharing feature of Google Maps will tell you where your friends or relatives are together or when they have left.

This feature will be useful for users who are worried about the welfare of a friend or relative or want to meet people somewhere.

This feature will soon be available for iPhone and Android users.

Once this feature is introduced, to use it, one has to click on the profile photo to go to the location sharing option.

After that, you have to select the person whose location notification you want to receive and this feature will work only when that person has shared the location with you.

After that one has to add the person’s address to get the location updates and then select the location that is the person’s destination.

Finally, the notifications of arriving or leaving have to be added and saved.

After doing this, you will notice the person in an alert that you have added their name to the location.

After that, you will also receive a notification when that person arrives or leaves a certain location.

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