Summer and Winter will be drier in Europe in coming years, Reports

Summer and Winter will be drier in Europe in coming years, Reports

Summer and Winter will be drier in Europe in coming years

According to experts, summer and winter will be drier in Europe in the coming years.

According to the details, the drought conditions have been predicted by the German Meteorological Department. The new study report has been prepared in the context of the record high drought in Europe.

According to the report, the severity of the drought in the coming years in Europe, especially in the southern European countries of the Mediterranean region, will also depend on how much efforts are made to protect the environment globally and in the temperature of the earth. What is the rate of increase?

People in the Central Mediterranean have seen the fourth driest season since 1901, while Germany has not had significant rainfall since 2009. Drought could affect large parts of Europe in the next three months.

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