The number of Corona cases in the world reached 8406062, and the deaths are 451384

The number of Corona cases in the world reached 8406062, and the deaths are 451384

The number of Corona cases in the world reached 8406062, and the deaths are 451384

Coronavirus is spreading rapidly around the world, causing an increase not only in patients but also in deaths.
But in some different countries, the coronavirus is almost extinct, and in some places, it is on the rise and in other cases, there are almost no cases or deaths.
The number of people infected with the coronavirus worldwide has reached 8.46 million, while the death toll has risen to 451,384.
Around the world, 3,536,862 patients with coronavirus are being treated in hospitals, quarantine centers, and in isolation at home, of which 54,449 are in critical condition and 44,15,816 have recovered.
Due to increasing negligence and careless behavior, not only the number of corona cases in Pakistan but also the number of deaths is increasing rapidly and Pakistan is ranked 13th in the list of corona patients.
The total number of cases of coronavirus in Pakistan has reached 160,118, while the total number of deaths due to this contagious epidemic has reached 3,093.
In Pakistan, 97,810 patients with coronavirus are still in isolation in hospitals, quarantine centers, and homes, while 59,215 patients have recovered from the disease.

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